Planting instructions

#cfhsaplings everywhere

Upon receiving your #CFHsapling, we wanted to ensure that you have the best possible planting and care instructions so that your new tree can thrive wherever you may be planting it.

Don't forget to share your photos with us!

Corporate Social Responsibility

Planting instructions for your #CFHsapling

To get your #CFHsapling of to the best start, here’s everything you need to do for it be happy, healthy and grow into a beautiful tree (make sure you remove any protective plastic before planting):

  • Select a location for your sapling which is free draining and with at least partial sunshine where the tree will have room to grow to its full height. (Remember to prepare some compacted or heavy clay soils prior to planting)
  • Ensure the top of the root plug is covered with approximately 20mm (3/4inch) of soil and make sure that the soil is firmed around the root plug

  • Keep the trees free from weeds

  • Ensure the root plugs remains moist at all times by watering it regularly

We’d love to see how your trees are doing, so please do share your pictures with us by emailing or by posting them on our social channels and using the hashtag #CFHSapling


Looking after the environment is one of CFH’s core values and it’s been at the forefront of our decision making since we began operating. We’ve always understood our impact on the planet but, in recent years, the world has seen just how acute the challenge is. That’s why we continue to accelerate our plans, constantly finding new ways to reduce our impact and protect our planet.

One of these things was understanding the value and importance of trees to our planet. Some of the benefits include:

  • Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow and the carbon that they store in their wood helps slow the rate of global warming.

  • They are sustainable resource as we can continue to plant and re-grow them

  • Trees boost our mental health while raising our physical health

Over the last 20 years we’ve planted 115,000 trees and given away thousands of saplings to customers, exhibition attendees and staff.


As we have been giving away #CFHsaplings for over 15 years, we have been in the fortunate position to follow their journeys and see them grow. Below are some images sent in from our customers and staff, with trees as old as 10 years!


Giving away trees is only the start. We have a wide range of environmental initiatives in place to further support our planet.

Everything we do is underpinned by clear environmental policies, all designed to reduce our impact. All our initiatives are part of our ongoing commitment, managed through certification to ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, which we’ve held since 2010.

To spearhead these initiatives, we have a dedicated director and a continuous improvement team. As a result, we can consistently perform in-line with our policies - and explore new ways to go even further.

Here are just a few of the ways we think, act and make decisions responsibly.

  • Applying an in-depth waste hierarchy - helping us understand the waste streams throughout our business, as well as setting reduction targets every year.

  • Zero waste to landfill policy - all our general waste is sorted and recycled, with any remainder sent to a specialist company who extract useful materials (like metals and plastic) for re-use, while incinerating additional waste to create energy.

  • Recycling more with paper trim extractors - offcuts of paper are sucked up by our paper trim extraction systems, which then feed directly into bulk containers.

  • Reducing harm with vegetable inks - these inks are made from vegetable oils and are sustainably sourced - significantly less harmful to the planet.

  • Adoption of solar energy - since installation, we’ve produced 2,244,700 kW hr electricity, reducing our CO2 emissions by 872,772 kg.

  • Reporting on our carbon footprint - from year-end 31st March 2020 to year-end 31st March 2021, we reduced our greenhouse emissions by 915 tonnes CO2 (e).

  • A commitment to FSC® certified (FSC®C006025) paper - we hold the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) certification.


If you would like to find out more about CFH, how we can help improve your business communications or have any questions, please fill in the form below and one of our dedicated representatives will be in touch.

To find out more, please complete this form & let's get started on this journey together